Bluecode App
The payment app,
Get the free Bluecode App now and earn rewards!
Bluecode works with any bank account in Austria and Germany and is available for free for all iOS and Android devices. Each time you make a purchase, a new barcode is created, which triggers a direct payment process from your bank account. At some merchants and in online-shops, you can also pay by scanning a QR-Code with your Bluecode app. Just download the app, connect your bank account and you’re ready to pay at more than 20,000 locations and be rewarded for your loyalty.

Hygienic and secure payments – without entering a PIN at the payment terminal.
Bluecode works completely contactless – neither the payment terminal nor the PIN pad needs to be touched. The staff at the checkout simply scans your barcode on your smartphone and you’re ready to pay! The best thing about it: You can also use it to pay at Billa, Merkur, Globus, Spar, MPreis and Unimarkt.

Bluecode is the app that rewards your loyalty.
With the free Bluecode app you can enjoy digital benefits at our favorite shops. The app includes digital stamp cards, vouchers, lotteries, promotions and the possibility to link loyalty cards. Your rewards will be automatically redeemed at the checkout.

Anonymity is at the heart of our philosophy.
We at Bluecode take your security and privacy very seriously. Therefore, we do not store any information about you or your bank account. Furthermore, your data is protected by meeting the highest security standards and strictest guidelines.

Accepted by tens of thousands of shops.
As leading provider of mobile payments combined with value added services, Bluecode is already appreciated by tens of thousands of shops in Austria and Germany. Plus, app users can already pay at the largest local grocery stores and drugstores (these include Billa, Billa Plus, Spar Austria Group, Kaufland, Globus, Bipa, Rossmann and Müller).
Over 20,000 locations
Available in 85% of all shops
Planned acceptance network throughout Europe
Here are the answers to our most frequently asked questions.
Download now.
Your time is precious. In only 3 minutes you can get your Bluecode App ready for payment.